The Perfect Parent

Overdoing parenthood

wisdom walks blog

The more you try to be the PERFECT parent, the more your child will believe they have to be the PERFECT child to you. The anxiety can destroy the child’s capacity to be happy, to have fun, to enjoy any moment …. to the point the child cannot believe you love them unless they are perfect.

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Police Have Never Been Trained for Equality or Merit Towards All People

Truth- A Right to Fight For...

I support the right for every American to have at least one gun; and I support having the right to self defense against police; cops are no different than the citizens they claim to serve and protect. Actually, they are. They are public servants, allegedly, here to protect the people from harm and wrong. They are supposed to be the peace keepers, the ones you call in times of crisis; safety and the ‘good guys’. In addition, they should be held to higher punitive standards.

Yet in America even when the first “Police/Sheriff” squad was founded it was not founded based on those principles…at least not for equally. After slavery ‘ended’ in the South police, more or less, became the new ‘title’ for what previously was known as the ‘overseer’. Meaning, keeping Blacks oppressed and whites ‘safe’. In the Northern parts of America Police mainly focused on petty crimes…

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Hold My Interest


I often question the logic in things,
The reality of nature.
From the outside looking in,
The realm is so small,
I can almost taste my destination,
Fluttering in my possession.
Like…A window,
On the other side a tree,

But to soon be struck by lighting,
Falling to the heavens feet.
A blinded sight of thunder,
Every single detail the way it should be.
Now standing in,
Looking out,

Yearning to escape,
To believe in what can’t be replaced.
Otherwise compelled to NOT imagine the multitude of violence, negativity, individual war,

That WE as humans, as brothers and sisters of each other,
Bring amongst one another.
How every single breathing moment you live,
Is just one single breathing moment closer to your death.

And how being sane,
Isn’t just part of living,
But also a part of living insane.
We all know where sinners go,
But sin has apparently always been thee norm.
We all know of the profoundless attempts to reconstruct the world.
How our fate is seemingly out of boundaries,
Unto nations eager to rebel,
Motivated by greed and Hell.
Why waist a gifted moment,
On a regret that is not even rewarding?
Why anticipate an everlasting enduring love,
When humanity is nothing but CRUEL?


A Man of A Few Words…

Silent Words…

Life Journal

“A man of a few words,” he said. “I hope I am expressing my feelings to you through my silence.”


Silence and words: two contradictory words with similar effects. How so? Silence is saying nothing. It’s non vocal, but can express a lot of feelings, which are sometimes stronger than the feelings words can express.

Silence can express pain.

Silence can express suffering.

Silence can express satisfaction.

Silence can express gratitude.

Silence can express humbleness.

Silence can express wisdom.

silent shirt

To be silent can be the expression of many things, but how do we know what feelings the silence expresses? By looking at ones eyes, you can tell what they are trying to say silently. It is said that the eyes are the windows to ones’ soul, and it is true. The eyes have intricate movements and expressions that say more than a thousand words.

The expression of the eyes can…

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Police Checkpoints: I’m Not Doing Anything Wrong, But I Definitely Have Something to Worry About


I Am Not Doing Anything Wrong But I Definitely Have Something to Worry About

By Daisy Luther – The Organic Prepper

Every year around this time, it just isn’t the holiday season if you don’t end up stuck in a long line of traffic going through a mandatory DUI checkpoint.  The cops are looking for people drinking and driving, and this unconstitutional search has been upheld by the Supreme Court.

And every year around this time, when I say it is a violation of my rights, someone chimes in:

“If you aren’t doing anything wrong, you don’t have anything to worry about.”

It’s entirely possible that if I hear this argument one more time this year, I’m going to have something to worry about, because there’s going to be the body in my trunk.

I was involved in a conversation on a thread online about these checkpoints and I was deeply saddened by the dozens of people who think having their rights violated is…

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I wish I could help you all.

Let’s try and help each other!

The Grey Area

Everyday I see you.  On Social media, passing by while I eat lunch and even interacting with me on various levels.  Everyday I see a new reminder of somebody that feels like they are missing something, somebody, anything to fill that hole they feel.  They feel trapped, restrained or empty.  I get it, because I feel it too sometimes.  But what makes me sad is that you’re wandering, searching, and you don’t have the slightest idea for what.  You grasp at straws over and over thinking “Maybe this will fix it!”  “Maybe this will make me feel better!”  Sometimes it does.  But it’s usually only temporary.

2014-03-26-alone_man1440x9001When I read, see, hear or otherwise encounter you… it’s one of the few times I wish that I could say “I’m sorry.”  I’m arrogant enough to think I know what you need, and I believe that if in some cases you knew me…

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I Would LoVe to….

1*Open my own Restaurant… variety of cultural foods-specifically Hispanic and American (black and white) foods and beverages (liquor/non liquor).
2*Have my own hair and nail business
***I would LOVE to combine 1 and 2 as a whole, that would be fabulous!
4*Receive my Masters/PhD.
5*Never Stop Learning.
6*Write and illustrate my own line of books (adults and kids).
7*Ghost-write for a singer/rapper.
8*Gain on endless eternal wisdom.
9*Watch my kids grow up to be productive children of the Lord.

…..And the list goes on, as the anticipation grows I will add to each driving flow!
